
Why Choose Us?

We are a Small, friendly club teaching all aspects of TaeKwonDo for adults and kids 6+.

Started at the turn of the Millennium, the club covers all aspects of TaeKwonDo, including sparring, self-defense, and knife defense (for adults). Classes are taught by experienced instructors with a passion for martial arts.

Whether you're looking to improve your physical fitness, self-defense skills, or mental discipline, Millennium TaeKwonDo offers a supportive environment for all levels. Join our friendly club today and take the first step towards becoming a skilled martial artist, new student's always welcome.

What is TaeKwonDo
TaeKwonDo (Tae - Foot, Kwon - Hand, Do - Art, way) is the art of foot and hand fighting. It has in excess of 80 million members and is undisputedly the most popular martial art in the world today. It was developed by the Korean army by combining many different styles of martial arts that existed in Korea over the last 2,000 years and some martial arts styles from countries that surround Korea.

Tae Kwon Do as we know it has two distinct sides:

Competition sparring – This is the visible front end of TKD. The rules are designed to promote kicking techniques and to develop agility, timing, stamina, flexibility and technique.

Self-defence – Involving grabbing, throwing and striking techniques, with knife and other weapons defence for advanced students.

A typical lesson consists of a 20 minute warm-up, which includes cardio vascular training as well as stretching. After this, lessons can compose of pad work, light sparring, self-defence, drilling or breaking. Lessons are never repetitive, and tend to follow a story board to develop specific aspects of TKD.

All students begin as 10th Kup white belts. Coloured belts are earned at Gradings, where students demonstrate an increasing fluency and effectiveness, both in sparring and self-defense, as they progress through the grades.

TKD is a full contact Olympic sport. However, when training only light contact is expected.

Black belt Gradings are conducted by the association to ensure that standards are maintained in accordance with the WTF.

Beginning TKD and commitment from students
By law, students must obtain personal insurance. However, the first lesson is free. The uniform can be purchased at a later date when the student is sure of their commitment. Unless previously agreed, students need to attend twice per week if they wish to advance at a reasonable pace. If too ill, students should try to watch lessons as they can still learn.

Indomitable spirit

I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do.
I shall respect my instructor and seniors.
I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do.
I shall be a champion of justice.
I shall help build a more peaceful world

You Can find Us:
Hall Address: Kingswood Community Centre, Kingswood Road, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7XQ